Christ Church

CofE Primary School

Aspiring together through love


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Purple Mash '2Email'


2Email is an internal email system.   It has been developed to provide a safe environment for children to learn about email. It has various settings that class teachers controls for safeguarding purposes.  Your child cannot receive emails from outside of Purple Mash.  They will only receive emails from their teachers and their peers.  

Your  child  can  open  2Email  and  practise  sending email  to  various  characters,  complete  activities in 2Respond  or  they  might  be  set  an  email  activity  by the teacher as a 2Do.  They can send an email to a “Practice character”, then swap to that character to view the email and respond, then switch back to themselves. 

Children can use 2Email to send an email to their teacher.  They can email their teacher with a question, to give answers to home learning set or tasks for additional help or further challenges!   


Children can also use 2Email to send an email to their friends in their class. All emails sent by children are checked by the class teacher before they are sent to the intended person.  Any emails which are inappropriate, for example with inappropriate language, will not be approved by teachers and will be blocked.  Teachers may choose to discuss any inappropriate emails with the child or parent.


To   send   email,   click   the   address book icon at the end of the To: box.   

If your child receives an email, an alert will appear then they on  their Purple Mash home screen (look for the bell icon).  If  your  child  receives  an  email  they are concerned about, then they can click the “Report to teacher” button and  it  will  be removed  from  their inbox and sent to the teacher.

The  teacher  can  send  attachments in  an  email  and  if  this  is  a  piece  of work to do, then your child will need to download the attachment, open it, complete it and save it. They will be able to send an email back to the teacher and attach the work. 


There are a wide range of e-safety email exercises in 2Email. It is possible for the class teacher to send children SPAM or other problem email, but this is a simulation and help prepare children for using “real” email accounts in the future. Teachers can also send emails from “made up characters” such as book characters, famous people, etc.  
