Christ Church

CofE Primary School

Aspiring together through love


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Worship at Home

In the Autumn term, we are learning more about our school vision, 'Aspiring together through love'.  The story of the paralysed man, from Luke 5:17-26, helps us understand our vision more. This story is full of aspiration and full of love. 

Watch the story below:




Jesus Heals a Paralysed Man (Luke 5:17-26)

In this story, Jesus heals a paralysed man who is lowered through the roof by his friends so he can see Jesus. This Bible story is based on text from Luke 5:17-26.

We are going to explore what this image means.  What do you think it means or represents?  Talk with your family at home and share your ideas in school. 

Time To Sing

"This Little Light Of Mine"

My Lighthouse

City on a Hill

Never Be Shaken

As The World Shakes - Hillsong Kids

We're Not Alone from iSingPOP #4 (FULL OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Here is the FULL VERSION of our song We're Not Alone.





Rend Co. Kids

Time to Reflect 

Here are prayers, written by our Worship Crew, for our school community. 


Dear Father God, Thank you for the grass, trees and our pets. Amen. 


Dear Father God, We thank you for our awesome creatures; aggressive polar bears to tiny bush babies. We thank you for health and life. Thank you for all our feelings. I love you Lord. Amen.  


Dear Father God, Please help us to learn more. Please help us though our tough times and encourage us to try more and try harder. Please help us to be the best we can. Amen.  


Dear Father God, Thank you for our amazing team mates. Sorry for all our sins. Please forgive us all as we say this prayer. Amen.  


Dear Lord, We pray that you will cover us with protection. We pray as many hands build a house, many hearts build a school. Amen. 




Prayer Spaces at Home. There are lots of ideas on this website for prayer activities you can take part in at home. Click on the link below.

A prayer activity: Be Still
