Christ Church

CofE Primary School

Aspiring together through love


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At Christ Church Primary school, we teach according to Dudley's Locally Agreed Syllabus and consider R.E. to be a core subject. R.E. is taught with academic rigour with the teaching of Christianity at the heart and a rounded approach to personal development. As an inclusive learning community, we also learn about other world religions and world views (predominately Islam and Judaism, with Hinduism and Sikhism as subsidiary areas), fostering respect for them and the diversity of religious experience worldwide.


We aim to foster confidence, delight and discipline in seeking wisdom and knowledge through R.E. lessons. Pupils learn about and understand Christianity and other major world religions as living faiths which influence the lives of people worldwide. Challenge and depth of thinking are present in every R.E. lesson, ensuring progress in emotional intelligence and academic skills.


We aim for pupils to become religiously literate.  Our R.E. Curriculum Plan demonstrates our rich and varied curriculum and the balance between theology, philosophy and social and human sciences.  Through rigorous planning and a focus on progression, pupils are provided with a wide range of learning opportunities to understand and make links between the beliefs, practices and value systems of a range of faiths and world views. 


Parents have a legal right to withdraw their children from Religious Education lessons, but as R.E. is central to the life and identity of Christ Church, we would ask parents to discuss with the Headteacher any reasons they might have for doing this.
