Christ Church

CofE Primary School

Aspiring together through love


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Purple Mash '2Dos'


Your child’s teacher will often set tasks as a ‘2Do’ to be  completed.  These  are  activities  and  tasks  which your child can access either via the notification bell or by clicking the red 2Do icon at the top of the screen.  We will also let children know via the year group home learning pages on our website if there is a 2Do to complete on Purple Mash.  

2Dos can have a ‘due by’ date (specified by the teacher) which you will be able to see in the 2Do menu. After the due by date has passed, your child will not be able to complete or hand in their work if they haven’t already done so.  Contact your child’s teacher via email if your child needs an extension on the due date. 

There are a variety of activity types in Purple Mash for children to complete. Many of them require children to create things like pictures, written work, posters or design games, etc. If these activities are set as a 2Do for your child, when they start it, they can stop at any point and return to the 2Do menu and complete at another time using the ‘continue work’ button.  

Once they are happy they are finished with their work, they can ‘hand in’. When they do this, they are prompted to leave their teacher a comment as to how well they got on. If they wish, they can record a voice message for their teacher to listen to, by selecting the red circle. It would be helpful if children can let their teacher know if they struggled with an aspect of the learning, as the class teacher can give further guidance and support to your child.  


Your child needn’t worry about where to save their work when they complete a 2Do,  it  is  stored  in  a temporary folder for their teacher to access, view and comment on work for the class collectively. When the teacher has finished checking all children’s work, they will “close” the 2Do and each pupil’s work gets sent to their ‘Work’ folder, in a sub-folder named ‘Done 2Dos”. 


Some  activities  in  Purple  Mash  have  a different  hand-in  procedure.  Quizzes,  games  and  tests  will automatically be handed in once completed. The class teacher is notified of this and can view scores and other relevant information about how well each child got on with the task. The examples below show the end of a  spelling  quiz  and  how  it  appears  in  the 2Do menu  once  it  has  been  completed.  It  has  an  automatically generated hand-in comment and the child can open their work if they want to check what they have done. 

Your child needn’t worry about where to save their work when they complete a 2Do,  it  is  stored  in  a temporary folder for their teacher to access, view and comment on work for the class collectively. When the teacher has finished checking all children’s work, they will “close” the 2Do and each pupil’s work gets sent to their ‘Work’ folder, in a sub-folder named ‘Done 2Dos”. 
