Christ Church

CofE Primary School

Aspiring together through love


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Our Staff Team

We have a fabulous team here at Christ Church Primary School. Our enthusiastic, committed and talented staff team work exceptionally well together to provide the very best learning environment for our children so that they can all achieve their best!


Here is information about our staff team: their names, responsibilities and phase team in which they are based.


Leadership Team

Headteacher: Miss Rebecca Edkins

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Laura Maynes

Assistant Headteacher: Mrs Kelly Darby 

Pastoral and Wellbeing Lead: Mrs Penny Wright


Safeguarding Team

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss Rebecca Edkins

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Penny Wright, Mrs Laura Maynes and Mr Coltan Rowley


SEND and Wellbeing Team

Inclusion Lead/ SENCO: Mrs Kelly Darby

Assistant Inclusion Lead: Mrs Lindsay Downing

Pastoral and Wellbeing Lead: Mrs Penny Wright

Learning Mentors: Mr Coltan Rowley and Miss Kimberley Harper



Team Leader: Miss J. Hughes

Nursery: Miss J. Hughes

Reception: Mrs R. Greenway, Miss S. Cameron, Miss C. Barker and Ms A. Bi

Support Staff: Mrs J. Hughes, Miss S. Webster, Miss G. Davies and Ms T.  Thompson


Phase One (Years One and Two)

Team Leader: Mrs J. Perrins

Year One:  Mrs J. Perrins, Miss E. Pickering, Miss L. Farmer and Miss A. Bi 

Year Two: Mrs L. Downing, Miss T. Dutton, Mrs L. Hazlehurst and Mrs K. Stanley

Support Staff: Mrs D. Davies, Miss K. Harvey, Mrs J. Wildman, Mrs V. Earp, Mrs L. Knowles and Miss L. Hall


Phase Two (Years Three and Four)

Team Leader: Mrs N. McCutcheon

Year Three: Mrs A. Allingham, Mrs R. Smith, Miss A. Rutter and Miss K. Toor

Year Four: Mrs N. McCutcheon, Miss M. Blackford, Mrs J. Kitchin and Miss Shafiq

Support Staff: Mrs K. Bailey, Miss H. Latif, Mrs D. Fellows, Mr S. Probert, Mrs J. Jones and Ms R. Bird


Phase Three (Years Five and Six)

Team Leader: Miss V. Jeavons

Year Five: Mrs A. Dunstan-Ward, Mr A. Pitt, Miss S. Lee and Mr J. Webster

Year Six: Mr. C Woolvin, Miss V. Jeavons, Mr R. Hill and Mrs L. Maynes

Support Staff: Mrs S Cartwright, Ms J. Dowley, Mrs J. Jones and Mrs T. Colledge


Sports Coach: Mr A. O'Connor


Office Staff

Team Leader: Mrs S. Dey

Mrs J. Ralph, Mrs L. Dandy and Mrs T. Hall


Site Staff

Caretaker: Mr A. Cox

Assistant Caretaker: Mr S. Brittle
