Christ Church

CofE Primary School

Aspiring together through love


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Your  child will  be  creating  lots of fantastic work  within Purple Mash  and  there  are  a  variety  of ways that this work can be shared so their teacher and classmates can view it too. Shared work is viewed via the Sharing icon on Purple Mash home screen (Globe).The easiest way to do this is to click on the ‘share’ option in their activity, accessed by clicking on the top left ‘hamburger’ icon. They can then select their preferred method of sharing their work: 

If  your  child  wants  to  share  their  work  to  a  class  or  group display board, click on this icon and then select this tab. 

If there is more than one display board, they will be able to select the one they want to share to.  Their teacher will view and approve their work before it is made visible to others ('Display Boards' and their settings are controlled by the class teacher).


Your  child  can  attach  their  work  to  an email   to   send   their   teacher   using 2Email (providing   their   teacher   has activated this feature).  When they compose their email,  next  to  the  send  button is the ‘attach work’ button. When they click on  this,  they  will be prompted to find the piece of work to attach.  Children can even add work they have done outside Purple Mash by selecting ‘from my pc’, e.g. a document or photo image. 
