Christ Church

CofE Primary School

Aspiring together through love


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Each class across school has Reading Ambassadors.  Being a Reading Ambassador is all about reading for pleasure and sharing the deep enjoyment of reading a great book. Our Reading Ambassadors have been chosen for their love of reading and their enthusiasm to share this with others. Their roles include: 


  • Encouraging other children in their class to read more and to find their own love of reading
  • Knowing the selection of books and authors in their class library and recommending books to peers in their classes – talking enthusiastically and confidently about them
  • Promoting a range of reading material within their classroom such as newspaper, magasines, fiction, non-fiction and poetry books to encourage even the most reluctant readers
  • Organising their class library in a way to engage and entice others into it
  • Identifying books linked to the ‘class reader’ book or learning topics to promote amongst others