From Year 3 upwards, children may apply to become members of our Sports Crew. The Sports Crew are representative of all children across school and are responsible, respectful and active citizens. In their role they:
- develop their leadership skills through P.E. lessons and Happy Healthy Lunchtimes
- contribute to the design and implementation of our P.E and sport curriculum (including lunchtimes)
- support our teachers and sports coach from a pupil perspective
- learn to coach and officiate sporting events and competitions
- act as the 'pupil voice' from their classes and year groups
Members of the Sports Crew change every term so that lots of children have the opportunity to take a leadership role in this important area of our school's curriculum.
Our Sports Motto
“In sport we never give up; we win with pride and lose with dignity”
Our sports motto: “In sport we never give up; we win with pride and lose with dignity” was designed by members of our Sports Crew. Throughout school, within all aspects of our PE curriculum, children and staff refer to our motto when sport gets tough! It helps children build resilience, sportsmanship, and perseverance when faced with challenges.
Happy Healthy Lunchtimes
With support from our Sports Coach, Sports Crew lead a weekly 'Happy Healthy Lunchtime' activity. The children design their own stations based on feedback from children within their year group, organise resources and lead/officiate the activity.
Competition Week
Every half term, Sports Crew support the Sports Coach in the design and delivery of 'competition week' throughout KS2. This is a popular week during lunchtime when children have the opportunity to take part in daily competitive sports.
During these weeks, children not only develop physical sporting skills, but learn how to move forward from setbacks; develop resilience, determination and self-esteem; mental endurance; and a willingness to beat their personal best.
Children collect points for their class team and winning teams are announced at the end of the week. Children are awarded certificates for taking part and for showing good sportsmanship skills and a willingness to succeed.
National School Sports Week
National School Sports Week is an exciting time at our school for all children but especially for Sports Crew. They are involved in planning, organising and running sporting activities throughout the week with children of different ages across school. This is a fantastic opportunity for sports crew to further develop their leadership and officiating skills whilst showcasing their own expertise in sport.