Look below for a video which welcomes you to your new year group and tells you more about the year group you will be in, in September 2024. You will be able to watch the video lots over the Summer holiday to help you get to know your new year group.
Top Tips for Transition (for grown ups!)
Grown-ups - Moving to a new year group can be exciting but also a scary thing. Here are some top tips to help your child move to their new year group in September:
- Watch our 'Welcome to your new year group' videos on our Website. You can find these under the Children tab.
- Don't avoid it - draw picture and tell stories about what might happen to make it fun and more familiar.
- Talk about feelings - describe what happens when you have different feelings, including worry. Do you have butterflies in your tummy? Are you tense? Explain that nerves can help us focus and get ready.
- Look back - chat about how you've coped with changes in the past, like moving house or welcoming a new baby. You can do it again!
- Practice how to stay calm - this could include taking slow, deep breaths together.
Welcome to Nursery

Welcome to Reception

Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Year 4

Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to Year 6