Home Learning
All home learning is set by your teacher on a Friday. Please complete it by the following Friday.
Please read your reading book at home at least 3 times a week. Remember to keep your reading book and home record in a book bag (these can be purchased in the office) and bring to school every day. Please ask your grown up to log your reading progress and any words you find tricky to read or understand in your new home reading record. There is also a reading activity to complete, which your teacher will explain to you during Reading Activities on a Monday afternoon. You can then spend some time at home on this activity.
Your class library is full of exciting books to read. You will be able to choose a book during Reading Activities on a Monday afternoon. Please remember to return your library book before choosing a new one.
Remember how important reading for pleasure is - try to read a range of books.
To complete:
Log onto your Purple Mash account with the same username and password that you use for TT Rock Stars and complete your 2Do. Remember to save your work to allow your teacher to mark it.
Use the link above.
To complete:
Log onto your Purple Mash account with the same username and password that you use for TT Rock Stars and complete your maths 2Do. Remember to save your work to allow your teacher to mark it.
Use the a link to help you learn your 4 times table facts.
It is very important to learn your times tables. Go onto TTRS at least 4 times a week. Please go on Jamming to learn the times table you have been learning in school and play on Soundcheck for at least 2 times each week.
The link for TTRS is below.
If you need our school postcode to log on, it is WV14 8YB.