Christ Church

CofE Primary School

Aspiring together through love


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KS1 Home Learning


Reading (Years 1 and 2) 

Complete daily reading, choosing from: 

  • Your school phonics books 
  • A library book 
  • A text from home


Phonics (Years 1 and 2)

Please click on a star below to support your children learning their sounds. Choose 1 sound to practice each week! Ask your child who their phonics teacher is and then click on the sound star to match.  


Miss Farmer/Mrs Davies- Set 1/2  

Mrs Perrins - Set 2 

Miss Dutton - Set 2/3

Mrs Downing/Miss Pickering - Set 3 


Once you have finished practicing your sound, why not play some Fred games? 

Literacy (Year 2 only)


Complete your Spelling Shed assignment: 

Spelling Shed Login Click Here

Want an extra challenge? 

  • play on the spelling mastery zone 
  • play on the grammar arcade

Maths (Year 1)


This week in Maths we have being learning numbers 11-20. You can sing along with the video below.


Can you, with your grown up, find out how many tens and how many ones are in the numbers 11-20? eg. 12 has 1 ten and 2 ones.

Maths (Year 2)


This week, in Maths, we have been continuing our learning with Multiplication.  We have also learnt how to double and halve numbers, linking this with multiplication and division.


Use the link below to practise your doubling - go on - enjoy yourself!



Play on Timetable Rockstars 3 times per week: 

TTRS Login Click Here


